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Продаж будинку в Скховолі (Зимна Вода)
Продам | Україна 25.02.2010, 15:57
Особняк в с.Суховоля, 204/123/14, в будинку є 6 кімнат, 2 санвузли, дуже зручний і продуманий проект, 10 сотих землі, підігрів підлоги в кухні і санвузлах, підведені всі комунікації, телефон, розведена проводка під інтернет і сигналізацію, накритий італійською черепицею, підведена розводка під “теплову завісу” при виході в задній дворик. Будинок розташований на передній частині земельної ділянки, що дає змогу в задньому дворику поставити альтанку в якій ви, ваша сім'я і друзі зможуть насолоджуватись теплими, літніми вечорами... Поруч магазин, кінцеві двох маршрутних таксі.
Добавив: na3ap4uk | Контактна інформація: Вишинський Назар | Телефон: 0934009018
Просмотров: 7353 | Разміщено до: 25.03.2010 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
Всього коментарів: 1
1. claudine.brou1000@yahoo.com [Матеріал]


I am so happy for your health may almighty God be with you by understanding this message. I want to tell you that I really want to been relationship with you. Though we've not met before now but it takes one day for two to be together in unity and peaceful life, I'm Brou Claudine and my brother alex Claudine, we are children of late Mrs Mariam Claudine Address: Rue 142 Marcory Abidjan Coted'ivoire West Africa.

I am 20years old girl while my brother is 18 years old. we lost our parent, and we have an
inheritance from our late mother, My parents were very wealthy farmers and cocoa merchant when they were alive, After the death of my father, long ago, my mother was controlling his business until she was poisoned by her business associates which she suffered and died. Before the death of my mother on October 2007 in a private hospital here in Coted'ivoire where she was admitted, she secretly called us on her bed side
and disclosed with us about the sum of twelf million, five hundred thousand United State
Dollars. ($12.5million) she left in one of the finacial private bank here in

It was the money she intended to transfer oversea for investment before her sudden death,She also instructed me that I should seek for a foreign partner in any country of our choice who will assist us transfer this money in oversea country where the money will be save and invested wisely, Because of the current political problem here in Ivory Coast I decided to transfer the money to abroad where it will be save and invested, therefore, we are crying and seeking for your kind assistance in the following ways:

(1) To provide a safe country into where the money will be transferred for investment.

(2) To serve as a guardian of this fund since I am only 20 years old.
and my brother ahmed is 18 years old
(3) To make arrangement for us to come over to your country to further our education and to secure a resident permit for us in your country.

we have decided to offer you 20% of the total amount for your willingness to help us,

Please kindly response to our mail immediately .

Thanks for your understanding.

Miss Claudine

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